DOI: 10.54647/education88269 82 Downloads 5564 Views
The research entitled “The Influence of Cooperative Learning Model of Jigsaw Type Implementation on Students’ Learning Achievements” is aimed to find out the influences of Mathematics learning achievements in the subject of Fraction Numbers through the implementation of cooperative learning model of Jigsaw type at the 4th graders of Public Primary school Wanasari 10 Cibitung Bekasi. Indonesia. The method used in this study was descriptive quantitative. Total number of the population was 94 students and the sample were chosen through simple random sampling in which 47 students were in the experimental class and the other 47 were in the controlled class. In analyzing the data, the indicator used was a test of learning achievements consisting of 20 questions with 4 options of answers. The findings of the research showed that the implementation of cooperative learning model of Jigsaw type influenced students’ Mathematics achievements. The results of data analysis revealed that mean score gained by the students was 75, while by using conventional method of learning, the mean score obtained was 58. Based on the statistical analysis of normality test, it was found that the value of X2cal = -3105 was lower than X2 table =11, 07 (with the signifance level of = 0.05) or showing normal distribution. While the statistical test analysis proved tcal which was being synchronized with t-table, in which in significance level of 5%, dk= n-2= 47-2= 45, ttable gained was 1.98. Thus, it could be concluded that there was a difference of learning achievements reached by both experimental and controlled classes.
The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Model, Jigsaw Type, Fraction Numbers Materials
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, SCIREA Journal of Education.
Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2021 | PP. 88-113.
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